It’s contemporary bc is continuos and new concept of free section (deforming and twisting the horizontal plane in the same level so it creates different heights like inter-levels). We have 2 examples:
Organic (adaptes to our needs and is in harmony with our activities) and moralistic functionalism (concerned for the aesthetics and beauty, both interior and exterior). It’s a bridge that connects 2 points over a river.
Not mechanical (industrial revolution; beauty came linked to the mechanical efficiency).
inside gallery
it’s like an empty beam (rectangle) twisted by the middle. As this is a simple and only building, it doest have some of the characteristics below (group characteristics or for more complex projects):
as this is a single unit, it’s easy to see that nothing can be added or removed:
the focal center, the main room, not the geometric/physical center:
main corridor & twisted walls
Limit & contrast:
the edge of the elements were there’s a change; the change would be between the contour of the white building and the nature with the river and sky.
nature vs. building and angular vs. curved shapes
white reflects the light inside and makes it bright. Several windows that allows natural light:
glass staircase windows
Color and texture:
edge (from the rectangular pieces of the façade) and soft (from glass surfaces):
white silver transparent